Clubs and Activities

Participation in after-school clubs and student government is a great way for students to enhance their education at Madison Park Technical Vocational High School. Most colleges and jobs will look for this type of activity on applications.


The following is a list of some of the clubs that are open to all students regardless of race, religion, or gender:

  • Gay-Straight Alliance
  • Music Club
  • Anime Club
  • E-Sports Club

Student Government

The Student Government Association (SGA) at MPTVHS is composed of student representatives from each class elected by their peers. The elected body consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. In order to run for election, the student must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher and have a teacher recommendation.

One elected SGA representative from each class will be elected by the cabinet to serve as a member of the Student Head of Schools Council (SPC). The Student Head of Schools Council meets monthly with the Executive Director and advisors to discuss school wide issues and to plan school wide activities. Student Leadership Members of SGA and SPC work diligently to promote spirit and pride among the MPTVHS school community.
